Saturday, August 09, 2008


Tohopka is a level 70 female Tauren Shaman Engineer(proud of that last one too!). She was started March 4, 2006 alongside my hubby's male Tauren Shaman, Otaktay. 'Tohopka' is Native American for 'wild beast'(and 'Otaktay' is NA for 'kills many'!).

Tohopka and Otaktay did a bit of WSG back in their teens and were a tough pair. She earned the title of Sergeant, but hasn't really done any pvp since then. She is specced some to heal, but has learned enough of the elemental arts to do quite a bit of damage with it. But one of her favorite things to do is gather up a large group of enemies and throw down her trusty Earth Elemental and stand back and heal him while he waylays the baddies!

Now to her Engineering-it is by far a huge accomplishment for her! Having 375 in that(along with 375 mining of course) means she gets to those nodes and gas clouds in her nifty Turbo-Charged Flying Machine! To heck with global warming! She also loves being able to zap those motes and sometimes spends hours a day doing so. And she is never without her appropriate companion, her Pet Bombling! He is a little noisy, but thats ok.

She is full up on first aid, but her cooking(109) and fishing(173) could use some help. She has friends to do that though. She is exalted with Orgrimmar, putting away her kodo in favor of a Swift Brown Wolf for her transportation needs(when she isn't in her Flying Machine!). The only other faction she is exalted with is Shattered Sun and now proudly sports their tabard and the beautiful shield they sell. And she is never seen without her Gadgestorm Goggles on!

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